A solo wellness retreat: The love energy that flows from positive energy

Feel & experience the love energy that flows from positive energy.

When you know that you are energy and that everything is energy, you will have a mind shift that ushers you into the realm of abundance of connections. 

One of the signs that you are raising your consciousness or becoming enlightened as you undertake your spiritual journey is improved knowledge of energy or deep yearning to learn bout the subject matter of energy. Energy is one of the most important tools of creation. It is also the most important tool that makes it easy for one to raise consciousness. 

In addition to being aware of energy, you will realise that your senses are underutilised. Senses are the body’s mechanism of communicating with the physical and the spiritual realm. The physical and spiritual realm are simply the visible and invisible forms of energy

For us to enjoy the power of energy and connectedness, we must sharpen our ability to use our senses. 

When was the last time you paused, smelled, listened, visualised, observed, and touched with the intention of feeling and experiencing the energy that flows from  your senses? 

I would like you to try this solo wellness retreat and enjoy the love that flows from-non human energy.  Practice this until your senses are enhanced. 

Some of the benefit of enhancing senses is that, you enhanced senses will definitely help you receive knowledge, wisdom and understanding flowing from every form of energy. Our  developed senses can also help us to identify & develop our spiritual skills such as discernment, instincts, gut feeling or intuition or psychic etc.  We can also use our senses as tools to visualise, feel & confirm what we are affirming.

In addition, the love that flows from motive energy, has the power to heal your broken energy and restore your depleted energy. It has the power to fill you will happiness and peace. It can also stimulate positive  and good hormones in your body that will contribute towards your mental and physical wellness. 

In this article, I am encouraging you and showing you how to embark on a journey of identifying your senses, sharpening and using your senses to connect to energy. We are going to begin this solo wellness retreat  by focusing on the energy of love that flows from positive energy. 

I want you to remove every limiting belief system in your mind that limited your ability to receive love from non-human beings.  When you finish reading this article, I encourage you yo listen to the meditation podcast and intensify your desire to learn and be awakened.

Affirmations to make before you begin your solo wellness retreat

It is a beautiful day

A day that my co-creators & I have made, we are rejoicing and we are glad on this beauiful day

It is a day of enlightenment 

It is a day of awakening

A day of healing

A day of restoration

A day of receiving abundance love

It is a day of experiencing the power of now

It is a day of learning how to pause, feel and experience the positive energy

It is a day of sharpening my beautiful senses as you pause, visualise, breath, listen, observe, feel & experience

What is the love that flows from positive energy?

Sometimes the love that you need is  the love that comes in non- human form.

It is the love that comes from positive energy. 

It is the love that comes when you connect to positive energy.

Sometimes  the love that you need is the love that flows from positive energy that gently flows from the amazing peaceful trees filled with abundance of life and healing powers. 

I encourage to go outside and allow yourself to connect with nature. Nature is part of us and we are part of nature. We are co-creators with nature. There is no separation between us and nature. Separation is an illusion create by human beings.

It is the positive  energy that comes through pausing and deeply breathing unconditional love from the fresh air.

It is the love that comes flows from positive energy that is generated by the loving warmth and light of the majestic sun.

It is the love that comes from the positive energy that vibrates from listing to beautiful music that is greeting & blessing your silence.

It is the positive energy that flows from the gentle energy of  animals, the simple & innocent energy that flows from a beautiful  lady bug painted with beautiful colours nicely arranged for your observations and enjoyment, or from the positive energy of the butterfly ready & available to serve your senses for pleasure.

It is the love that you receive from taking a simple walk on the ground of mother earth and feeling her positive energy being deposited into your body.

It is the love that you embrace from sitting or lying on the ground and allowing mother earth to give you a gentle and healing hug.

The love that flows from pausing and observing the beautiful flowers and exchanging positive energy with the beautiful flowers-  

I encourage you to take a pause, smell, feel & experience the pleasant, healing & relaxing aroma flowing from the flowers.

Pause, touch, feel & experience the soothing texture of the different flowers.

It is the love that comes from pausing and listening to the happy birds that are singing as they express their wisdom to create. 

It is the love that flows from pausing, observing and enjoying the motivational love message sung by the birds as they remind you that “if we can make it so can you”

It is the love that flows from the gentle and calm sound of  the water flowing in the river. 

It is the love that flows from taking a simple walk in the park or in your garden & taking multiple pauses.

Sometimes it is the love that flows from being still, aligning and being one with the frequency & vibration of the positive energy.

From pausing and being aware of what surrounds you. 

Cleanse yourself of the limiting belief systems in your mind that says love comes in human form and receive the abundance of pure love that comes from the non-human positive energy. 

The pure love from positive energy is ready and available to serve you unconditionally. It is available to heal & restore you. It is here to connect you you mother earth, the universe, the source and abundance. 

To learn more about energy, power of now and power feelings I recommend that you read Principles & Tools of Creation.

You deserve to be loved by the positive energy

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Happy pure love everyone.