Read: Feed you body, spirit, soul & mind

Connect to other people’s happiness

May you learn to connect to someone’s happiness of being themselves before you project your own limited belief systems on them. Before you listen to & act on your projections & belief systems – pause, feel & experience their happiness of choosing to be authentic and free. When you connect to their joy, you will find it easy to let them be. You will also find it easy to let go of your projections and belief systems.  You will also exchange your happiness with them. Connecting to the energy of happiness felt and radiated by those who are comfortable with being themselves is a step towards liberating ourselves from the chains of limiting belief systems & healing. It is is also a step towards experiencing the powerful energy of happiness that is embraced by the universe. There is not enough room in the universe for limited belief systems that thrive on superiority, bigotry, hatred, intolerance and oppression of others. I have a strong feeling that soon there won’t be enough room left (in the physical & spiritual world?) for those who are worshiping  their limited belief systems. May you heal and enjoy the beautiful & unlimited energy of happiness.

24 August 2024

~Teresiah Malatji~


The power of being satisfied

Today the word that is laid in my heart is Satisfaction. When we are satisfied we align with positive energy, joy energy, peace energy, stillness, the energy of pleasure & more. We feel pleasure. We experience joy. We experience the state of gratification. We experience the source of delight. We experience abundance. We align with the powerful stillness of mother earth.Focus on the things that you have now, the things that you have achieved thus far and be satisfied. Being satisfied is not the end, it is just an experience of what is present. It is the power to pause and receive. It is the power to breath and feel what you have. We have the ability to be satisfied and still create more. I declare that you have the ability to receive and experience the power of satisfaction. I declare that you have wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the energy of  Satisfaction. Learn to make these affirmations part of your daily ritual until you exist in a state of knowing how to experience satisfaction. To learn more about the power of words read Principles & Tools of Creation.

22 August 2024

~Teresiah Malatji~

Check the video on YouTube

The power of Sunday planning

Sunday is the best day to put in place plans for the week for personal, social and professional goals. It is also the best day to reflect, assess your performance and achievements  of your plans. Intentionally put aside time in the morning to plan for the week ahead.

Sunday morning is the best time to plan and take care of the anxiety that many go through the entire day before Monday. This activity places you in a position of being in control & takes away the anxiety that a lot of people go through on Sundays. It will motivate and encourage you to look forward to the week ahead.

Your plans must be accompanied by words of affirmations. To learn more about making plans read the article: create & live a fulfilled life- the power of seeds. Remember that you are a creator and co-creator. 

20 August 2023

Teresiah Malatji

You are a creator

You have a birthright to discover the creator from within. Take your position in the universe and remove all the indoctrinating belief systems from your mind. You have a story to tell for your ancestors, your family, yourself and your descendants. You are an essential building block created for a significant role in the universe. You are a creator and a co-creator. You are an important energy in the value chain of creation, and you have access to every energy available in the value chain of creation. Your ability to attract and manifest is not meant to be governed by the rules of human-made hierarchies. Excerpt from Principles & Tools of Creation.

14 August 2023

Teresiah Malatji

To those who are called to heal

I hope you are not measuring the success of your calling based on the number of people you are reaching. Measure your passion and your love for your highest calling or purpose to heal. Search your intention and correct it if it is not in line with your highest calling or purpose to heal. Your intention, love and passion for your highest calling will take care of the numbers for you. Those who need your healing energy will be drawn to your love, passion and intention to heal. Your role is not to chase numbers but to heal those who come into your presence. Healing of one soul is exactly what the power of connectedness need to spread the healing energy. Intention plus love and passion equals to authenticity. Authenticity is your unique magnet. 

2 August 2023

Teresiah Malatji

We are entering an era of energy

Many people are becoming enlightened about the subject matter of energy. When we embark on a spiritual journey and when we get cleansed from religion, one of the subject matter that we learn, is energy. The tool of energy is becoming the most powerful commodity that we need in order to connect to the physical and the spiritual realm. It is the language that we are going to use to create, heal, connect and be one. We are being reminded that our ancestors understood and created using this language. To learn more about energy, spirituality and physicality read Principles & Tools of Creation.

1 August 2023

Teresiah Malatji