The power of intentional parenting

A guide to becoming an intentional parenting

There is power in intentional parenting. How did I do that? How on earth did I manage to do so much under those uncomfortable physical conditions? How did I successfully achieve my parental goals when I was going through so much? How did I manage to wake up, wake the children up, prepare them for school, prepare their lunch boxes, drive them to school and gather strength to fetch them from school? How did I manage to prepare them breakfast, lunch and dinner, help them with homework, put a smile on their pretty and innocent faces when my body was not in a condition to achieve not even the ordinary? The answer lies in the power of intentional parenting.

I can testify about times when I diligently carried by motherly duties as their comforter, motivator, cheer leader, life coach and so forth when it was extremely difficult. For some mysterious reasons I became that super mom until I was done with my motherly duties. Immediately when I am done, my body will go back to being ill. Other times, the symptoms disappeared completely. Let us not forget the days when most women go through PMS and its unbearable baggage. The list goes on and on. This is the story of most women. One day we will talk about the abuse of the feminine energy by society, her trauma and unpack how she can begin to heal, but this article is not about that.

I consider myself a generally healthy person. However, I have had my share of physical and mental challenges that are worth mentioning. I can count many times where I was not well physically but recovered quickly, not because I had faith. Let’s be honest, sometimes there is no time to think about faith. I am certain that I recovered quickly because I was fuelled by my love for my children, strong desire and intention to be present for them – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The strong desire and intention of being well for my children gave me the miracle and motivation that I needed. It was the faith that I needed.

The build up of our intention and love for our children become so strong and get deeply embedded in our subconscious minds to serve us when we need it the most. For many years, I have built a foundation of an intentional mother and it is paying me nice dividends. I can count many blessings that I received as a result of me being an intentional parent. For some of us that much needed help will come from friends and family members. 

There are times when the illness should have stayed longer, but did not because it found inside me a strong desire and intention to be present in my children’s life. In some cases I received the strength to go through some of the life challenges, until they passed. Other times challenges that were meant for me, passed without touching me. All because I have the energy of an intentional parent. 

There are times when I did not feel like waking up to achieve my professional goals, but the thought of my children and the strong desire to leave behind a healthy and rich legacy for them was the motivational speaker that I needed. Not only did I feel motivated, I received and experienced those powerful attributes essential for achieving life goals. There are plenty of rewards that we receive from being intentional and dedicated parents who continuously surrender to the calling of becoming parents. Some of the rewards are physical and others are spiritual.

Generally, a mother is blessed with physical and spiritual attributes of conceiving, giving birth and raising a child successfully. These physical and spiritual attributes are packaged as the feminine energy. However, an intentional mother receives these attributes multiple folds. Some of us are born intentional, in general and others have to develop the ability to be intentional. 

When we intend to become parents, we create a formal covenant and acceptance of parental duties. We create an internal energy that vibrates at a higher frequency and attract the essential building blocks that we need to become effective parents. The attributes of the feminine energy for purposes of raising children are all the attributes that you can think of that are essential for raising children. I will write an article about this.

When we intend, we accept a collective and family lineage calling to continue the human race by raising human beings that will achieve multiple goals for the benefit of mother earth (collectively and within families). It is this covenant and acceptance of the parental duties that makes the universe to release all the essential building blocks needed to achieve our parental goals. In addition, all the relevant co-creators in the form of angels, spirit guides, spirit guardians, and ancestors come together to collaborate with us when we intend.

I believe that these blessings or rewards or powers are given to anyone who intend to be a parent regardless of gender. I am encouraging you to embark on a journey of becoming an intentional parent.

Benefits of becoming an intentional parent

Intentional parenting:

  • triggers a process of embarking on a life-journey of self-discovery, self-development, self-empowerment and self-healing. We are not only healing ourselves as parents, we heal our children, their children and so forth. We also heal our family lineage, from our generations, to our parents and all the way to our ancestors. The spiritual cords between family members is very strong and extend beyond the physical realm.
  • breaks the family patterns of abandonment and trauma caused by dysfunctional parenting.
  • reveals our strengths and our weaknesses. It is this revelation that will motivate us to work on ourselves for the benefit of our children.
  • prepares us to become present parents. When we are present, we enjoy every moment of our children’s development and milestones. We tap into the power of Now.
  • attracts and manifests all the essential attributes needed for achieving parental goals.
  • blesses us with attributes that contribute towards our physical, mental and spiritual wellness.
  • creates responsible & effective parents who contribute towards a healthy society.
  • makes it easy and enjoyable for us to go beyond the ordinary.

How to become an intentional parent?

The first step to take is to understand the meaning of the word “intention”. We intend when we put in place a plan or purpose or goal. Intention is the beginning of achievement of goals. Intention is one of the tools of creation. I discuss intention in detail in Principles & Tools of Creation,to be published soon.

Write down a list of goals and plans that you must undertake and achieve in order to become a successful parent.

What are the goals or plans that you must achieve as a parent at every stage of your chid’s development?

How will these goals or plans benefit your children?

How will these goals contribute towards a healthy society? 

Craft effective affirmations and declarations to create a new identity of a successful parent.

Move beyond just being a parent by default and become an intentional parent. Create your intention through words. Words spoken through affirmations are powerful tools of creation. Affirmations create a covenant between co-creators in the physical and spiritual realms. I discuss the power of words and affirmations in my book Principles & Tools of Creation. Make an oath with sentences such as:

  • I receive with thanks the calling of being a parent to X & Y. 
  • I receive this responsibility and declare that I will carry out the calling with love.
  • I affirm that I will carry out my duties diligently.
  • I affirm and receive with thanks the following physical and spiritual attributes essential for my parental duties: (name all the physical & spiritual attributes that come to your mind).
  • I declare that I am ……(list all the physical & spiritual attributes essential for becoming and effective parent)

The above examples of affirmations are just a start. As soon as you start you will know what to include in your journal of affirmations. Should you wish to have a one on one consultation to learn more about affirmations, click here. Create an intention by putting a parenting plan in place. Constantly think about your intention of parenting your children until it becomes second nature.

Write down a list of physical & spiritual attributes that you need to achieve your parental goals.

I wrote down all the physical and spiritual attributes that I need to achieve my parental goals successfully in my affirmations journal. The mere act of writing down and affirming the essential physical and spiritual attributes was an act of intention. This  activity blessed me with attributes that I needed to achieve my parental goals. It elevated my parenting abilities to another level.

Continuous meditation upon my affirmations was an essential step towards changing the data in my mind and preparing me for my parental goals. The process of manifestation begins with thoughts. We attract with our thoughts. Use affirmations to change your thoughts and attract manifestation of effective parenting. Obviously affirmations is not the end of the journey. Actions must follow your affirmations. It becomes easier to act when we have dealt with the data in our thoughts. Creation is a process. Some process takes longer than others. The manifestation of your ability to parent diligently and the time it will take to receive the physical and spiritual attributes needed for this parenting calling will differ from one person to the other.

If you have a desire to embark on a journey of self-discovery, self development to identify the essential physical & spiritual attributes needed for you to achieve your parental goals, we offer one on one life coaching at you your own pace and time. We are also here to help you through a journey of self-healing, to deal with the undesirable physical and spiritual attributes that are making it difficult for you to achieve your parental responsibilities.

I am sending love to all the mothers who have managed to achieve the most when conditions were not favourable. I am dedicating this beautiful song by Babyface to you –Standing Ovation. I am also acknowledging and appreciating all the men who honoured the role of parenting. 

We will be sharing a follow up article to unpack the power of affirmations and different types of physical & spiritual attributes for effective parenting exclusively with those who have joined our mail listing. Please remember to subscribe to our newsletter, if you don’t want to miss future articles and many more benefits of being part of our community.