The power of being satisfied and affirmations for manifesting the state of being satisfied

In this article I am discussing the power of being satisfied and affirmations for manifesting the state of being satisfied.

Simply put, being satisfied is the ability to intentionally pause, observe and know that your cup is full  and able to satisfy you. It is knowing that you deserve to enjoy the full cup. It must be intentional because we have forgotten how it feels to be satisfied.

One of the life goals that we must achieve in life is the simple goal of being satisfied. The word satisfied is such a positive word packed with beautiful energies that we need for our mental and physical wellness. Satisfaction is an essential element of being fulfilled.

Unfortunately many of us have the ability to achieve life goals but struggle to experience the beautiful power of being satisfied. We are wired to create and create more without taking a pause to observe and experience what we have achieved. We have cups that are full and overflowing but we are unable to see the full cups because we don’t know how to be satisfied with the little things that we have created. For example a simple goal such as  writing this article, finishing and publishing it, is a goal that I must be satisfied with. I must pause, observe that it is done, enjoy this achievement and enjoy the fact that it will make a difference in somebody’s life.

The benefits of being satisfied

When we are satisfied we align with joy energy, peace energy, stillness energy, calm energy, the state of being relaxed, the energy of pleasure & more. When we are satisfied we feel pleasure. We experience joy. We experience the state of gratification which has the power to bring forth more. We experience the source of delight. We also experience the state of being relaxed and deal with anxiety.

We experience abundance & overflow of positive energy. Satisfaction turns the little that we have already achieved into abundance. When we are satisfied we are also aligning with the abundance of the universe which will in turn avail more building blocks for more  manifestation of what we already have. 

When we don’t pause and experience satisfaction, we can unintentionally harbour the energy of lack. Hence the need to constantly do more. Satisfaction gives us the ability to strike a much needed balance. It helps us to pause and gather the strength needed for the journey. 

We align with the powerful stillness of mother earth & the universe. I like saying that the future is old and we are always rushing into the future. We have the tendency of rushing and running away from the present which is fresh and full of vitality. We are rushing against the natural process of aging. The universe is still and yet it creates more. Mother Earth is still and yet she is grounded and strong. 

I encourage you to to use the power of focus and concentrate on the things that you have now, the things that you have achieved thus far and learn to be satisfied.

The power of now is very important because it gives us access to energy that is available to serve us at this moment. As discussed in Chapter 13 of Principles & Tools of Creation the greeting in the Zulu language puts it nicely when it says “sawubona”, which means that I see you, you exist and you matter now. When we focus on now, we are greeting the energy that exists now and is here to serve us now. Therefore, when we focus on now, we are also multiplying all the energy needed to create now. Energy can be scattered but when we are present and focused on now, we have the full attention of energy that we need to create.

Being satisfied is not the end, it is just an experience of what is present. It is the power to pause and receive. It is the power to breath and feel what you have. We have the ability to be satisfied and still create more. Satisfaction blesses us with the power to take the much needed breaks without feeling guilty. When we pause to experience satisfaction we are able to celebrate each milestone. We can easily feel proud of our achievements and tap ourselves on the shoulder.

I can go on and on about the powerful and amazing benefits of being satisfied.

How to make affirmations that will manifest the state of being satisfied


As discussed in Principles & Tools of Creation, a word is energy and words are energy. As energy, words are used to bring into existence the building blocks that are needed for manifesting. 

The energy of satisfaction already exists in the spiritual dimension and waiting for anyone who will call it forth. When we affirm, we align every cell in our body with the energy that we are affirming. The energy of satisfaction already exists in its pure form. It is available and ready for anyone who will align with it. You can align with this energy through words. Unless you need to deal with other underlying issues, the time it takes to feel satisfied can be instant if your ground is fertile for this energy. To learn more about the power of energy read Principles & Tools of Creation.

Allow yourself to pause, receive, feel, and experience. Use whatever sense you need.

Understand that affirmations, if drafted properly, they will serve multiple purposes. They bring forth building blocks needed to manifest our desire. They help us to focus and become self aware. They serve as  new intentions, strategy, plans and vision. They change the memories in our DNA to align with the new intentions. They  positively change the memories within our  DNAs. They change our thoughts.

Below is a set of affirmations that you can use to elevate your frequency into to the realm of being satisfied. Be flexible, go with the flow and add more affirmations that are relevant to you.

I affirm and  declare that I am a creator and a co-creator.

I declare that I have the ability to pause, observe |& know when my cup is full and ready to satisfy me.

I declare that I am satisfied with everything that I have achieved.
I affirm that I am satisfied regardless of what is happening in my life.
I declare that I have the ability to focus on what I have now.
I declare that I have the ability to focus on and appreciate what I have now.
I declare that I have the ability to pause, receive, feel & experience the present moment.
I declare that I have the ability to pause, receive, feel & experience the abundance of what I already have.
I declare that I have the ability to pause, receive, feel & experience the energy of being satisfied.
I declare that I have the ability to pause, receive, feel & experience the energy of joy.
I declare that I have the ability to pause, receive, feel & experience the energy of peace.
I declare that I have the ability to pause, receive, feel & experience the energy of happiness.
I declare that I have the ability to pause, receive, feel & experience the energy of calmness.
I have the ability to pause and connect with the stillness and calmness of mother earth and the universe.

I receive knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the root cause of my inability to be satisfied. 

I receive knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the attributes that I need to create a state of being satisfied.

List the things that you already have and have achieved

Take it further and right down the things that you have now.

Get a journal and list everything that you have achieved, from smallest to big.

Right down affirmations of gratitude as follows:

“I am satisfied that I have achieved …….”

“I am satisfied that I have…..”

Whenever you feel disconnected or unfulfilled, take a pause and remember the power of being satisfied and meditate upon your affirmations. The above affirmations are integral to the meditation of slowing down and pausing.

Intend to make these affirmations part of your daily ritual until you exist in a state of knowing how to experience satisfaction. To learn more about the power of words read Principles & Tools of Creation.

Some of the benefits of affirmations for being satisfied 

If you think that this exercise is just a simple act of speaking out words, you have another thinking  coming. This exercise will help you to embark on a journey of Self-discovery, Self-development & Self healing.

While some of the causes of being unsatisfied are external, some are internal. Affirmations have the power to reveal hidden traits and  traumas that  that we have inherited from our parents, grandparents, great grandparents and all the way to our first blood lineage ancestors. To learn more about the grounds that we are born into, I recommend that you read Principles & Tools of Creation.

The revelations of the spiritual attributes and traumas that are linked to our inability to be satisfied is a step towards a process of  Self-healing. Your inability to be satisfied may have been caused by many things including, being born into a  family that does not know how to be satisfied. It could be that you have inherited a gene of an ancestor who did not know how to be satisfied or an ancestor who was an over achiever and so forth. Some people don’t know how to be satisfied because they were born into poverty. They fear to pause and enjoy. 

Maybe you were raised in a family that expected a lot form you and did not allow you to be yourself within your abilities. Maybe you were never appreciated by those close to you and consequently developed the desire to prove them wrong. I can list a lot of hidden factors that are embedded within our memories that are manifesting as an inability to be satisfied. 

Are you the parent that is never satisfied and teaching your children to do the same? Are you a satisfied parent with children that are not satisfied?

The above process of meditation and affirmations will begin the process of healing you from your inabilities and traumas that you were initially not aware of. 

I encourage you to document your discoveries and your experiences in your journal. 

For employers, leaders and employees

I have to also focus on employees, leaders and employers because of the stress and anxiety that gets created at work. Is is very important for employers to create a safe space for their employees to experience the state of being satisfied.

Employers and leaders must allow employees to know that it is OK to pause and be satisfied. Allow your employees to achieve key performance indicators within the wellness space of being satisfied. 

Unfortunately, it is impossible for leaders to give their employees the state of being satisfied if they themselves don’t know how to be satisfied. Being satisfied should be incorporated in the culture of wellness.

I hope this article spoke to you and will ignite the process of Self-discovery, Self-development & Self-healing. 

I declare that you have the ability to receive and experience the power of satisfaction. I declare that you have wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the energy of Satisfaction. Enjoy the journey of being satisfied.

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Create & live a fulfilled life: a healthy balance between the interests of the spirit, the physical & the soul persons

Let us desire to create & live a fulfilled life. A healthy balance between the interests of the spirit, the physical & the soul persons is one of the key ingredients of creating & living a fulfilled life.

I know that I am about to speak to someone because when the soul speaks there is always an audience that needs to hear from the soul. This message dealt with me already and you are the next person to receive. 

During one of my preparations for my monthly social and professional goals, my soul said to me “Terry you know my purpose but you are not fully allowing me to do what I am meant to do”. I immediately knew and understood the message because it was the truth.

In this article I am unpacking the discussion with my soul and what followed thereafter with the hope of helping you create the balance. After such an honest and much needed dialogue between my physical, spirit and soul persons, I made a decision to allow my soul to manifest her purpose fully without any delay. I sealed my decision with a set of affirmations.  This was the beginning of a beautiful and enlightening journey between my soul, spirit and the physical persons.

As soon as I said yes, I felt a veil of imbalance being torn. I saw the beginning of a balanced life in a way that I never did before.

The meaning of a balanced life

One of the key ingredients of living a fulfilled life is creating a healthy balance between our personal, social and professional goals. This is possible when we have identified the purposes of the spirit, physical and soul persons and created a balance between the three persons. A balanced life is one that recognises and honour the role of the three persons. We are on our way to creating & living a fulfilled life when we yearn to create a working collaboration between the three persons. An individual with a balanced life has the power to contribute towards a healthy society. 

Why is it difficult to create a healthy balance between the personal, family interests & the soul’s interests?

The concept “finding a balance between the purpose of the soul, the spirit and physical persons” sounds like an easy and doable task. The truth is, it is more easier said than done, even for those who have found their soul’s purposes.

As I discuss in my forthcoming book Principles & Tools of Creation, the physical and spirit persons are more family oriented and also focused on the personal interests. On the other hand, the soul is interested in contributing towards a healthy community or society.

Our challenge is that, we have become entangled in the personal interests that favour and feed the spirit and physical persons. Our need for survival and maintaining our lifestyle has become the main priority, understandably so. Unfortunately, the Soul person is neglected and therefore the society is not well, because the souls who are the healers of the land are neglected by their co-creators (the physical and spirit persons). The land is traumatised and wounded. This unfortunately continues from one generation to the next. 

As part of my calling, I receive revelations, wisdom & knowledge through my thoughts, almost on daily basis when I show up in my sanctuary. Some of the revelations, knowledge & wisdom that I receive must be shared as soon as I receive them. If I do decide to share them, I must also do so without holding back.  

I made a decision, a while ago to manifest my calling through my company Life with Terry. Consequently, instead of sharing those revelations, I developed a practice of writing down and archiving the revelations. These habits were influenced mostly by my dominant attributes of overanalysing, overthinking, perfectionism and strong desire to align every knowledge that I received with the objective of Life with Terry. The need to align my soul’s purpose with Life with Terry was also influenced  by the desire to monetize and fulfil my personal goals. 

While there are revelations that require analysis, some of them don’t. Some revelations are prophetic, angelic and urgent and therefore must be shared without delay, because the delay may render them irrelevant. Also, some of the revelations gets lost in the process of wanting to align the business model with the soul. There are many people waiting to be healed through my soul and delaying will do more harm.

My soul’s desire to be the healer, the restorer, the comforter, the deliver, the enlightener, and the teacher exists now and does not wait for a business model to be perfected, tested and amended. The soul does not function according to the business world that has become self centered. 

Prioritising the business and the business model of Life with Terry caused my soul to take a back seat. Unfortunately prioritising the personal interests with focus on financial gain does not guarantee a stress free life. In fact it consumes us to a point where we fail to achieve some of our most important personal and social goals that are essential for a healthy society. We become more and more emptier as the bank balance gets more and more fuller. 

We have become successful at the expense of  the ultimate truth- equality, love, peace, health, relaxation, justice, balance, abundance, freedom, tolerance, empathy, light, positive energy and so forth. While businesses are succeeding, the society on the other hand has become more and more unwell. When there is a balance, none of the three persons is taking more priority than the others.  It’s a win win.

A business model requires a well structured plan, with business processes, milestones, timelines and deadlines. A business model is also revenue based, because the spirit and physical persons must achieve their life goals using money. Whether we like it or not financial wellness is a must for achieving personal and social goals. However, we can achieve financial wellness without destroying the soul’s purpose. The soul desires to heal, to fix, to enlighten, to awaken, to restore without any delays or any financial gain. 

The challenge for me was the need to insert every revelation, wisdom and knowledge that came through my soul, into the business model or into my personal interests. The soul had to wait for the personal interests to manifest. Unfortunately the manifestation of personal interests take long. Not only does the soul have to wait for the personal interests, it has to compete with the business energy that can grow into a monster that eventually gains the power to control the physical and spirit persons. 

The other challenge is that, by focusing on the business interests, I also created a limiting belief system. I believed that the only way my calling  can generate income to support me and my family was through a specific business model incorporated in Life with Terry. As I discuss in Principles & Tools of Creation, a limiting belief system has a negative impact on my power to attract abundance from the unlimited universe.

As if the above challenges were not enough, I also had to deal with the need to prove that my business has something special to offer. I had to work so hard to stand out in order to attract clients to my business. The business needed to prove itself and to be validated.

The soul on the other hand, couldn’t be bothered to prove to anyone that she has something special to offer. She does not require any packaging. Her essence is what matters. Business regulations and rules repels her. She  does not need any validation. She does not need to force anyone to come to her for her to heal them. She knows she is a healer and therefore anyone who needs healing must just believe and come to her without her proving herself and going through so much commotion.

Signs that I was letting go and allowing my soul to thrive

When I accepted and made peace with the true and unselfish nature of my soul, I allowed my spirit and physical persons to avail themselves outside the scope of the business model or personal interests. This made it easy for me to be flexible and go with the flow.

The mere act of accepting my soul’s way of doing things and the need to balance my three persons made it easy for me to let go of my attributes of overthinking, overcomplicating, overanalysing, perfectionism, overplanning, and over-archiving the many teachings and revelations that I received. I embraced the importance of acting with urgency and availing myself for the call.

I learned that while a business model is essential for business success, it must not be implemented at the expense of fulfilling our highest purpose that is beyond personal interests. In my case, while the business model will continue to exist, it will not do so at the expense of my soul who is also an integral part of Life with Terry.

I knew that my soul was receiving attention when she started revealing her attributes to me. I knew she was getting attention when she poured out her wisdom to create the balance that speaks to the ultimate truth.   

Fortunately, allowing my soul to thrive, cleansed me of the limiting belief system. I was no longer over burdened with the need to focus on one channel. In fact I also received wisdom that helped to amend the business model in a way that embraced my ultimate truth. I discuss in details the concept and examples of  limiting belief systems in Principles & Tools of Creation, for those who desire to learn more.

The cleansing of the limiting belief system created in me a clear identity of my energy that is now supercharged & recognised by the universe within the law of attraction.

May we learn, and have the strength to let go of the human made systems that forces us to miss  and manifest the soul’s purpose. When we do that, things will fall into place. We will find our home, peace and wholeness and the much needed fulfilled life.

While the business model will continue to exist, it will not do so at the expense of my soul who is also an integral part of Life with Terry and the most important building block of a healthy society.

Does this message speak to you? Have you been neglecting your soul? Have you elevated or silenced your highest purpose of the three persons? It is highest purpose not because it is above the purposes of the physical & spirit persons. I call it the highest purpose because when manifested, the soul person heals and grounds the other two persons. The soul makes it easy for the two persons to manifest and enjoy the attributes of the ultimate truth. Through the soul, the community receives healing and is led into the power of oneness and connectedness. What could be higher than this?

Self discovery

What are you personal and social goals that are taking over and silencing your soul’s goals?  Have you discovered your  spirit, physical and soul persons? I recommend that you embark on a Self discovery  journey that will reveal your  spirit, physical and soul persons, their attributes, their purposes and their collaboration. 

As soon as you allow your soul to manifest, things will fall into place. Your business models & personal interests will model themselves around the soul’s purpose. We all need that much needed balance between our personal desires that are self and family centered vs the soul’s purpose to serve and heal the community. 

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Recommended  article to read Create & live a fulfilled life- the power of a seed

It is a season of connecting

If you are not already aware, I am excited to tell you that we are going through a season of connecting. In this article I share valuable lessons about the season of connecting and things that we can do to utilise this season effectively. Be spiritually awake so that you can use the spiritual realm to create effectively & efficiently.

On 5 October, we held a webinar entitled “the power of seasons”. We talked about the meaning of a season, different types of seasons, how to identify seasons and so forth. I can tell you that it was a much needed session. We also talked about the fact that we are currently going through a restoration season and the attendees were advised on ways to effectively utilise this season to restore things in their lives. We mentioned that one of the qualities of a good season is that it brings forth an intense energy that is fertile for sowing or planting or starting things. 

It is possible to experience more than one season within the same period. I am sharing this post to make you aware that we are also going through a connecting season. The spiritual world is always fresh with knowledge, wisdom and understanding available for everyone at the right time. Use this connecting season to connect personally, socially, spiritually and professionally. 

Do you feel in your spirit, or your heart, a deep yearning to connect? Do you have this undeniable desire to connect either socially with new or old friends or family, or professionally with those who will take your venture to the next level or spiritually? Do you feel in your heart that you have done all the work behind the scene with regard to your projects, business or career? If your answer is yes, you are not alone. Don’t ignore the signs. Claim the season and begin to identify the key connections that you need in your life. 

As we discuss below, be intentional, take actions as you affirm their manifestations. Remember that there is a time for prayer or making affirmations behind the scenes and there is time for getting out of your comfortable prayer or affirmations zones to take visible actions. All you need is that one first bold step. 

If it lands on your thoughts, come through your feelings or if you have a strong desire to connect with old and estranged friends or family, you are experiencing both the connecting and the restoration season as connecting with estranged friends or family members is an act of restoration. It is so beautiful when all things are interconnected. The spiritual world is such a beautiful space. It works for our good. Don’t resist.

Things you can start doing to establish new connections

Affirm on daily basis that “it is my season of connections, and I am connecting to………” I am receiving all the important connections needed in my life to achieve goals…..” Be specific with your affirmations. Affirmations are building blocks and they must represent every essential building block needed for manifestation. Should you wish to learn more about the power of affirmations, categories of affirmations and how to draft effective affirmations, check our LwTee 9 days wellness retreat™️ and available packages.

Be intentional

Be intentional about establishing new connections. One of the tools of creation is the power of intention. Intention elevate a desire to a plan. Intention brings forth all the attributes needed for one to achieve goals. We also unpack the power of intention in my upcoming book  Principles & tools of creation. 

Focus on Now

Focus on creating new and meaningful connections that will usher you into the next phase of life. Like intention, the power of focus is also a tool of creation needed for manifestation. Focus on what you have Now and what you can do with what you have Now to start making or reviving or restoring connections. Don’t delay. There is no better time than Now.

Plan & Implement

Put simple and doable plans in place, such as following new pages, or individuals on social media aligned with your personal, spiritual, social or professional goals. Join groups on social media that are aligned with your thoughts, your vision and so forth. Subscribe to professional organisations that offer valuable connections and networking platforms. Get out of your comfort zone and make impactful comments that will get you noticed. Share your views, talk about who you are when given an opportunity. Find conferences or events that are aligned with your professional goals. Make it a mission to identify networking platforms and avail yourself. Be out there. Beat the fear of rejection. What is the worse that can happen? Rejection fuels us to keep on pushing. The sooner you start, the sooner receive  valuable feedback. Feedback will help you to go back to the drawing board and improve. Revive your old contacts. Take that bold step and call that estranged friend or colleague or acquittance. Host friends and families. Just do it and satisfy your soul.

The rest will fall into place

Often we don’t have to get all the needed tools from external sources. We must use the starting tools  that we receive and the rest will fall into place. Affirm and receive in faith, intend, focus, plan and implement. If you are looking to enhance your spiritual attributes, lear more about our one-one life coaching. 

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Subscribe to our LwTee email listing to be the first to receive our words of encouragements, words of advice, announcements about our webinars, retreats, new events and many more. While we appreciate the exposure that social media gives us, the disadvantage is that we can lose all the important messages in the traffic of social media. There is not that much traffic in your inbox that you can miss our much needed newsletters. We look forward to hearing more from you and your new connections.

Funding beyond the education of our children

Can parents play a role in creating an enabling environment for our children’s employment?

The number of unemployed youth in South Africa is a serious concern, not only for the economy, but more so for parents who have raised their children and put so much funding in their eduction.

Unlike in the past, education is no longer a guarantee that our children’s future is secured. The employment dynamics have changed drastically. Also, unlike us the older generations, the youth is more free to express themselves about pursuing other ventures of life that has absolutely nothing to do with formal education.

Some of the solutions to the high rate of unemployment will have to come from the parents. As parents, we cannot sit, fold our hands and expect the government and private sector to come to the rescue. We live in an era where parents need to think beyond the education fund of their children. We must have these thoughts as a matter of urgency if we want  to alleviate the unemployment crisis.

Are we doing enough to find innovative solutions to help alleviate the unemployment rate that is negatively affecting our children? Soon this problem will be faced by most households.

As I was exploring this topic, I thought of some solutions that we can put in place as parents to make a difference. I am sure there are plenty of solutions that we can think of.

Fund our children’s  internship programme

Unfortunately, many companies require prior work experience when they advertise jobs for new positions. This requirement decrease the odds of getting hired within the work environment that is already highly competitive. As parents, we must intentionally fund our children’s internship programme to help them access the highly competitive world of employment that requires prior work experience. We must  be prepared to go beyond the responsibility of covering education fees and leave the rest in the hands of our children and the potential employers. Approaching a company with a proposal for your children’s internship programme will show the company that you mean business. Beyond education there is a serious challenge of unemployment. The challenge is unfortunately faced by both the educated and the uneducated. The benefit of giving my children access to the employment world must help them increase their chances of being considered by the same company should a need arise. My child may impress the company so much that the company is left with no choice but to create a position for my child. 

What will the internship fund look like?

The fund will cover essential daily expenses, transport to and from work, lunch and tools needed for the intern to carry out their work successfully. The nature of the fund will obviously differ from one company to the next. Transport fees may be include bus, train or taxi fare. It may include fuel if the intern already has a car. If the parents are able to, and the work requires the intern to have own transport, they can buy the intern a car. If the opportunity is far from home, that daily public transport will be impossible, the fund will have to cover monthly rental and groceries and any rental related expenses. 

Internship programme management

As a funder of the internship programme, the parent must make sure that he or she is happy with the key performance indicators that are put in place by the company that  allowed the child to carry internship. As a funder I must be comfortable with and satisfied that my child will carry out activities that will help to build work experience needed to further his or her career. The last thing  you need is an intern who becomes an expert at making tea when I could have easily created the tea making position at home. You must also create a channel for a regular feedback sessions with the employer. Remember that the company is not making you a favour, your child is also contributing towards the success of the company.

Fund our children’s businesses or ideas

We are going to have to take a role of startup funders as parents if we want to remove tour children’s burden of unemployment and increase their chances of making it as entrepreneurs. Many children may want to start a business but are discouraged by lack of financial capacity. While we have many funding programmes from angel investors, government funding and capital ventures, the competition is tight. The requirements to access those funds do not always favour every entrepreneurs or inventors who require funding. More often, inventors don’t get selected because their field of interest does not fall within the sectors covered by funders. The red tape factor of funding applications and processes makes matters worse.

There are many business incubators and business accelerators programs that are created to help small business. However, like funders, these incubators have requirements that will not favour every aspiring entrepreneurs. I have worked within the funding and business incubation space for many years and have seen potential ideas being dismissed because they did not meet the funding or incubation requirements. Also, the need to conduct multiple due diligences for many applications makes it impossible for funders to make decisions faster. Time is money and the sooner one gets funding the better.

Business development support

In addition to providing funding for your child’s startup, I recommend that you fund their business development. In cases where funds allows and where the capital amount needed for the business is way too much, you may need to hire a professional fund manager who will ensure that your child is using the funds effectively. Some of the responsibilities of an experienced fund manager include carrying out the necessary due diligence to determine the risk and developing risk mitigating factors, creating milestones for further funding and putting in place the necessary business development intervention.  Having a third party to manage the fund may help to minimise a potential strain between you and the business child. 

If not managed, the funding can go to waste. It is a known fact that not every business will get to maturity. If every measure was put in place to manage the business, I don’t believe that we can talk of failure. I learnt so much from running my own businesses. I had access to valuable lessons that a classroom will not offer. Giving your children access to those lessons is an investment that they will need in the business and professional life. The ground laid through us funding them to spend time running business will also increase their chances of obtaining funding from other funders.

Depending on the kind of business your child is pursuing, you may also hire a business mentor who will give your child the much needed business skills. Never underestimate the value of a business mentor who have run businesses.

Another important intervention your child will need is the services of a life coach who will cover multiple areas of life to prepare the entrepreneur ti become the best leader. The early phase of business is critical for developing a culture of a business. The culture of a business always reflects the attributes of the founder. The business culture and success gets threatened If the attributes of the founder are not dealt with as early as possible.

The benefit of funding your child’s business or idea

When you have a funding instrument dedicated for your child, focus is on your child and not many applicants. The requirements for funding will be developed within the abilities of your children and their ideas. In this regard, you will have the freedom to include any sector or field without limitations set by other funding instruments. You will also have the freedom to set milestones that will help you determine if your child deserves further funding. As a parent funder, your child will not have the pressure and the burden created by conditions that are generally put in place by funders. 

Ways to become an angel investor for our children

Get a loan on behalf of your children

Get a loan from a bank, on your children’s behalf if you are in a position to repay the loan. Obviously because they have just finished university or are not working, they won’t have any credit history to qualify for a bank loan.

Create a startup fund as soon as your children are born

Create a funding investment account for your children as soon as you start investing for their education or later in life when you have read this article.  Most parents normally start saving for education as soon as children are born. This can be done through financial institutions such as banks, sanlam, discovery and so forth. The sooner we start investing, the better. 

Use your savings to fund your children’ businesses

For those of us who already have savings, we can use those savings to remove the financial burden of starting a business for our children.  

Raise funds on their behalf. There are a number of options that are available. For example, you can sell assets that you own to use the proceeds towards the funding instrument. You can dedicate a certain percentage of your monthly income towards funding their business or ideas, if you do not have savings a at the time the need for funding arise. 

Important note for parents 

I need to mention that the above solutions must not exclude unemployed children who did not go to tertiary for various reasons. Not all children will finish college or university. Some children will not have the attributes to pursue education offered at college or university. We are not the same and we should embrace our uniqueness. It is our responsibility to afford our children room for them to be themselves and explore options that are in line with their strengths. The startup funding instrument will help them to pursue their passions or calling. Through the funding instruments, we must help them turn their calling and passion into businesses that will generate income for them.

I must also make a note that society has made us believe that tertiary is the next logical step after completing school. It is this belief system that has limited or blocked our abilities to attract means of generating income outside the scope of what we studied. It is also this limiting belief system that has led to many people changing their careers later in life to pursue their passion and calling that have absolutely nothing to do with what they have studied. Some children have tried without success to plead their case and to show their parents that their passion or calling cannot be natured through tertiary. Let us be open minded when it comes to matters of formal education and allowing our children to pursue their soul’s mission.

Funding of a programme designed to help them create and live fulfilled lives

One thing I have learned about life is that finding your true Self is the most powerful tool of life that one should embark on. We live in a society where we are groomed to discover many things about life before we can explore the truth about who we are. Many of us were raised in a society that made us to focus and dream about education, pursuing a career, finding a husband or wife and raising a family.  The data in our minds is made of human made systems that are blocking our ability to discover our true Self. There are many benefits of finding true Self. Finding your true Self will definitely help you with Self-development, Self-empowerment and Self-healing. These three benefits are the most fundamental goals that one needs in order to achieve life goals in every area of life -personally, socially, spiritually and professionally.

We must give our children the tools that will help them find their soul’s purposes or mission earlier in life so they can enjoy the rest of their lives. They must find a healthy balance between their soul’s mission, physical and spirit persons. At the center of creating & living a fulfilled life is finding this balance. I cannot talk about creating and living a fulfilled life without mentioning our LwTee 9 days wellness retreat which is aimed at addressing some of these challenges. It is without a doubt a perfect programme for both parents and children who are at the age of exploring who they are.

I have no doubt this article will trigger some interesting thoughts and discussion amongst parents regarding matters of unemployment and their role in finding solutions for our children. What other ways can you think of? This is also a topic that must be discussed under one of wellness retreat program called In the presence of elders due to launch in August 2023.

What does Life Coach mean to me?

It takes a village of  Life Coaches to build a community full of healthy and fulfilled human beings.

To have someone trust you with their lives is such an honour and a big responsibility that I don’t take very light. I have come to revere my calling and will do everything possible to make sure that I impart the lives of those who cross paths with me with principles and tools they need to create and live fulfilled lives. I am a life coach to anyone who cross my paths and if you want to spend more time with me than the time I give for free, then we can establish a relationship at a cost. 

The relationship between a Life Coach and a client is sacred and must be treated as such. Your life coach can become your spiritual teacher or guide who will lead you into enlightenment. The right coach can lead a client to a place of growth and development- personally, socially and professionally. Both parties must carefully think and seek wisdom before entering into a relationship. Life coaching can include either or all aspects relating to personal, social, professional and spiritual matters depending on the needs of a client. 

Personally, the word life coach is a fancy and modern word for a healer, or a guide or spiritual guide or a teacher. They say “it takes a village to raise a child”. Think of life coaches as the much needed village that most of us were not not privileged to have when growing up. Civilisation has made it more difficult for us to experience the powerful effect of the wise elders who play a crucial role in building a healthy society. A life coach is like the much needed elder that you never had growing up.

You may have been raised by a village but still lack guidance in other aspects of life. Or you may be going through life changes or are evolving and need someone to take you through those changes or that evolving journey. That is the reason I believe that a life coach should rely more on their life experiences than theory when coaching. Many life coaches like me have honoured the calling to heal, teach, enlighten and awaken their fellow human beings.  Depending on the gift of an individual, a life coach can be your guide or spiritual guide or guardian who is medium that can access wisdom, knowledge and understanding on how to navigate life. 

The wisdom, knowledge and understanding of a life coach can come from different sources. Some life coaches have gone through training from various institutes. Some coaches have received their knowledge from serving as students under other experienced coaches. Others derive their knowledge from their blood lineage and departed ancestors who are knowledgeable in a specific field. Some are using their  own life experiences to guide and help their clients.

In my case, my knowledge comes from my spiritual, personal, social and professional life experiences and direct access to sources of intelligence through my spiritual journey. To some people the sources of intelligence is God, or  or a Creator or Supreme power, or the Divine, or The Source, or Modimo (a name used by my Pedi tribe to refer to the Creator). In this regard it is very important for a coach to reveal upfront their position with regard to and understanding of belief systems. This disclosure will give a client an opportunity to make an informed decision when selecting a life coach.

When the life coaching involves spiritual matters then there should definitely be some alignment between the coach and the client. There should be a common understanding or common ground to avoid unwanted discord or clash of energies or spirits. We must be mindful of the fact that in the physical realm, human beings still operate from a separation perspective.

Human made systems such as cultures, norms, religions, belief systems have created a language barrier which unfortunately goes limit the power of oneness and connectedness. As a healer, I cannot heal you when we are operating from a different ground. The energy of a life coach and that of a client must align for healing to manifest. While there are many ways to kill a cat, you must find a way that resonates with you. 

Some of my clients who believe that they resonate with the person that I am, must still go through a cleansing of the wounds created by their religious indoctrination or limiting belief systems. Sometimes the cleansing becomes the answer to unhealed wounds that a client is suffering from. My advice for any one who is looking for a coach is that you should learn as much as possible about the coach that your desire to connect with.

They say “when the student is ready, the teacher with show up”. You will know when the time is right for you to create a relationship with a life coach. Trust the voice from within and know the right coach to create a relationship with. If you have to pray about or meditate about it until you are led to right person. The first hour of a  meeting between a coach and a client is very critical and must be used to assess alignment between the parties. 

As a society we must intentionally craft a society that is rich with accessible life coaches. As parents we must intentionally connect our children to various life coaches who will impart wisdom and knowledge to our children when they are still very young.

I pray that you find the right guide or teacher for your life and build a beautiful and meaningful relationship.

About Teresiah Malatji, founder of Life with Terry


My name is Teresiah Ngwanamogale Malatji. I am a Life & Business Coach, Founder of Life with Terry, Author and educator of Principles & Tools of Creation. I am also a consultant with focus on a range of areas from innovation and enterprise development to business management.

One of my life goals and passion is to help you create and live a fulfilled life using Principles & Tools of Creation.  I owe my expertise to  my personal life of more than three decades, professional and business life experiences of more than 15 years, and my spiritual journey that revealed the subject matter of Self discovery and Principles & Tools of Creation.

My Life Coaching journey

My Life Coaching journey began began in April 2018, six months after leaving my full time employment of more than 15 years to pursue business interests. During one of my meditation walks, I felt a strong desire to write a book about creation. At the time when this desire landed in my heart, I did not have a single page of content about creation.

All I had was an undeniable intense feeling that confirmed that I will soon teach about creation. Today five years later, I am glad to say that I have  published my book called “Principles and Tools of creation”.

The strong desire to write the book matured into a strong desire to teach, coach and speak about Principles & Tools of Creation.

I believe that I received so that many can be enlightened and be awakened. Through my coaching, I help my clients to create effectively and efficiently, create & live fulfilled lives, be innovative and embark on a life changing journey of Self-discovery, Self-development and Self-healing.


My qualifications include Bachelor of Law, Attorney of the South African High court, Master of Science, Bachelor of Science (Honours), and Bachelor of Science.

My work experience

My best years of employment of more than 15 years were spent at various entities in South Africa, including, The Innovation Hub,  Agricultural Research Council,  Adams & Adams, Bowmans,  and the Innovation Fund which merged with other programmes to become what is today known as the Technology Innovation Agency.

My career life exposed me to multiple and exciting roles, from working as a Senior Research Scientist at Agricultural Research Council and Intellectual Property Manager at Technology Innovation Agency to Senior Manager of Value Added Services and General Manager of Enterprise Development at the Innovation Hub.

As a General Manager of Enterprise development I oversaw the running of three Business Incubators -Maxum Smart Business incubator,  Maxum Digital and Climate Innovation Center. My division was also responsible for providing business support (commercialisation services,  intellectual property and legal services) to more that 200 startups within smart industries, green economy and bio-economy.

I served as a member of several funding and investment committees responsible for identifying and investing in new innovative projects and startups.

Prior to establishing Life with Terry, I founded Ngwanamogale Creations – arts and crafts company and Life Enterprise Development- now under Life with Terry.

Expertise & Skills

Life and Business Coaching; Writing; Teaching, Public speaking, LwTee Meditation retreats host and instructor, LwTee wellness retreats host and facilitator, LwTee team building host and facilitator, Principles & Tools of Creation; Business management; People management; Strategy development and implementation;  Entrepreneurship;  Key performance indicators development; Business Incubator management; Business mentorship; Intellectual property management; Commercialisation of innovative ideas; Innovation management; Funding & investment;  Business model development; Human Resources management, Human Resource strategy development and Human Resource innovation; Strategy development retreats planning and facilitation; and Public speaking and Podcaster.

For more on my professional experiences, visit my Linked In page.

I look forward to working  with you.

Stay blessed.