What is a fulfilling life & how do we create & live a fulfilling life?

Author: Teresiah Malatji

Create & live a fulfilling life

What is a fulfilling life?

A fulfilling life is a life that makes us feel happy, healthy, satisfied, comfortable and content. Beyond happiness, a fulfilling life is a life worth living. It is an exciting life full of purpose that we cannot wait to fulfil on daily basis. It makes our hearts beat at a rhythm that makes us dance with joy, sometimes beyond human understanding. It is also a life that encourages and motivates us. 

A fulfilling life is the essence of who we are. Like the air that we breathe together with other essential building blocks of life, a fulfilling life is a building block that we must intentionally create in order to live & enjoy this beautiful life.

One of the many ways of living a life that will make us happy is to embark on a journey of achieving our life goals including personal wellness goals, social wellness goals and professional wellness goals.

Achievement of wellness goals has a positive effect on our personal wellbeing, social wellbeing and professional wellbeing. We can find reason to exist and look forward to living when we set and achieve wellness goals.

What are some of the actions that we can take to create & live a fulfilling life?

  1. Discover, identify, set and achieve our life  goals – personally, socially and professionally.
  2. Discover, identify, set and achieve our wellness goals – personal wellness goals,  social wellness goals and professional wellness goals.
  3. Discover and explore our essential abilities that we can use to achieve our life goals. The word ability means “possession of the means to do something”. Our abilities include skills, talents, gifts, physical & non-physical attributes or spiritual attributes, a positive & healed family ground we were born into, financial and non-financial resources, experience, qualifications, formal education, informal education, self-taught, expertise and so forth. We unpack the definition of ability in detail in our Guide to creating and living a fulfilled life. It is very important that the definition of the word ability must be broad and inclusive to accommodate the scope outside and beyond human-made systems. 
  4. Fully develop and manage our essential abilities for achieving life goals. 
  5. Augment our essential abilities for achieving life goals.
  6. Heal our essential abilities for achieving life goals.
  7. Acquire, develop and augment new abilities needed for achieving life goals.
  8. Find platforms to fully utilise our abilities to achieve life goals-personally, socially and professionally.
  9. Discover,  pursue, develop, utilise and enjoy our life purposes.
  10. Discover,  pursue, develop, utilise and enjoy our callings.
  11. Discover,  pursue, develop, utilise and enjoy our life passions.
  12. Connect to, experience and manifest our Inner energy.
  13. Manifest our Inner energy through our Physical, Spiritual and Soul persons.
  14. Know the difference between the Inner energy and the Outer energy and create a balance between the two.
  15. Discover and manifest the purpose of the spirit person, the physical person and the soul person.
  16. Align our soul’s purpose with our personal, professional and social goals.
  17. Align our personal wellness goals with our social and professional wellness goals.
  18. Create a balance between our personal wellness, our social and professional wellness.
  19. Learn to become creators and co-creators.
  20. Heal ourselves from various traumas that affect our ability to create and live fulfilling lives.
  21. Embark on life-changing journey of Self-discovery, Self-development and Self-healing.
  22. Cleanse ourselves from limiting belief systems, mental colonisation & indoctrination.

A fulfilling life is a balanced life

To live a fulfilling life means that we live  a life that is balanced and aligned in all areas of life that complete a human being. A balance life is possible when we achieve our personal, social and professional wellness goals lives without negatively affecting each category. These three  areas of life are interconnected and  interdependent. Failure of one area affects the other two.

We are also balanced when we ensure that we take good care of the three persons of  Self – the physical person, the spirit person and the soul person. To learn more about Self  please read Principles & tools of creation.  

Create a balance between your Personal, Social & Professional Wellness

Some of the personal wellness goals that we can achieve to create & live a fulfilling life

Personally, we become more fulfilled when:

  • We embark on a life changing journey of Self-discovery, Self-development & Self-healing.
  • We identify, set and achieve our self-love wellness goals.
  • We identify, set and achieve our mental wellness goals.
  • We identify, set and achieve our physical wellness goals.
  • We identify, set and achieve our spiritual wellness goals.
  • We identify, set and achieve our financial wellness goals.
  • We create a balance between our passions, life-purposes and callings.

Our personal wellness goals are the most important & primary life goals that create a foundation  to achieve secondary life goals – social & professional wellness goals. To learn more about personal wellness click here. 

Some of the social wellness goals that we can achieve to create & live a fulfilling life

Socially, we become more fulfilled when:

  • We have great, healthy and meaningful relationships with our family (children, siblings, spouses, partners and relatives), friends and other key people in our lives.
  • We have abilities to build great, healthy and  meaningful relationships.
  • We develop and heal our abilities to build great relationships.  
  • We have abilities that will enable us to achieve life goals that benefit our families, friends and society.
  • We align our social wellness goals with our personal and professional wellness goals.
  • We contribute towards a healthy and prosperous society.
  • People around us also are fulfilled. In other words, we can experience fulfilment linked to our personal wellness and wellness of others. Fulfilment is energy and energy is a building block that can be multiplied, reproduced, increased and so forth. 
  • We heal our traumas that make it difficult for us to build great, healthy & meaningful relationships.
  • Others achieve their goals that directly affect us positively.
  • Our society is filled with individuals who are mentally, physically and spiritually well.
  • Our souls are more awakened to contribute towards building a healthy and prosperous society. Unfortunately many souls are not yet awakened to take over and bring the much needed solutions that will heal and create a prosperous society. That is why, now more than ever we need to embark on a spiritual journey that will awaken our souls during the journey of Self-discovery. Some of the powerful attributes that we need in order to achieve social goals are possessed by our souls.

Unfortunately we live in times where the social goals that benefit society are suppressed by  goals that benefit us personally. Sadly, many professionals who are capable of contributing towards the health and prosperity of a society, are too focused on individualism at the expense of collectivisms. We do so until we realise not realising that our social wellness depends on a healthy & prosperous society.

To learn more about social wellness click here

Some of the professional wellness goals that we can achieve to create & live a fulfilling life

Professionally we become more fulfilled when:

  • We develop our abilities and use our abilities to achieve our professional goals.
  • We align our abilities with our profession and professional growth.
  • We create and experience an alignment between our passion or calling with our profession and professional growth.
  • We identify, set and achieve our professional wellness goals.
  • We have abilities that enable us to achieve professional growth.
  • We create and experience an alignment between our professional wellness goals, personal wellness and social wellness goals.
  • We work for employers who promote, prioritise, protect and support the wellness of employees and that of the employer.
  • We create and experience a balance between our professional wellness goals, social wellness goals and personal wellness goals.
  • We work for employers who are aligned with our values & principles.
  • We create healthy and meaningful relationships with our colleagues and employers.
  • We heal our traumas that make it difficult to achieve professional wellness goals.

To learn more about how to create a fulfilling professional life click here.

What are some of the wellness goals that retired individuals can achieve to create and live a fulfilling life?

For our precious  retired community and those who will retire from the formal employment, fulfilment comes when you continue to use your professional abilities to contribute towards a healthy and flourishing society.

Human beings become fulfilled when they continue to feel important, wanted  and useful in a society. When we lose this feeling, we are likely to lose reason for living. It has been shown that more and more retired people are becoming depressed because they lose reason for living. It is for this reason that retired people must continue to create and live fulfilling lives  by pursuing new career goals or new life purposes or callings.

There is plenty of unused wealth of knowledge owned by elders who have retired. There are multiple platforms that the elders can use to share their knowledge towards creating a fulfilled society.

Retirement is the best phase of life that professionals can use to detox from individualism that is deeply embedded within an employment system that has the power to block creativity and innovation beyond the course and scope of employment.

We are wired to continue to use our brains to create, remain relevant and useful. When we stop creating we unfortunately become part of cemeteries long before we physically die.

Click here to learn more about how you can use a wellness strategy to create & live a fulfilling life.

We can create & live a fulfilling life when we understand & manifest the attributes of creation

Create & live a fulfilling life

Because of our inherent desire to create, fulfilment comes when we continue to manifest the attributes of creation as defined in Principles & tools of creation.

According to Chapter 1, page 14 of Principles & Tools of Creation “I am capable of creating new things that I desire. I can reproduce the things that are created if they serve me. I am a multiplier of things that are created. I keep on growing and developing myself and the things that I have created. I am capable of adapting and modifying the things that are created to suit any condition that I find myself in. I am capable of restoring, maintaining and evolving. There is never a dull moment or stagnancy in my life. Even better, I create effectively and efficiently now that I am fully aware of the creator that I am. I am more innovative than I was before I became aware of my true identity as a creator. Not only am I a creator, but I am also a co-creator because I embrace the true nature of creation. grow and develop personally, professionally and socially. We are also fulfilled when we reinvent ourselves to remain relevant and useful in all areas of life.”

Does this excerpt from the book resonate with you? If not, begin to receive this knowledge, embrace it and allow it to become your identity as you begin to tap into your highest Self, creative & innovative Self. Unfortunately and surprisingly, many people are still struggling to tap into their power to create. Our power to create and co-create is silenced by multiple human-made systems. You can begin to use the above affirmations to manifest the creator that you are.

Ability to receive, experience & enjoy happiness

Create & live a fulfilling life

As mentioned above, happiness is at the center of experiencing a fulfilling life. Sadly, it is not a guarantee that everyone who has the ability to pursue and accomplish life goals will automatically enjoy the journey and the fruits of their life goals. For happiness to be enjoyed,  it must be received and experienced at a frequency that enables our feelings to fully manifest the happiness energy.

In Principles & Tools of Creation, I mention that  happiness is a pure energy that is available to serve. How it gets experienced is dependent on the ground on which it lands. The ground in this case is the entire aura or energy field of a human being. I also discuss in the book, the tools that one can use to clear the blockages that make it difficult or impossible to experience pure energy.

Different people may receive happiness but will experience it at different levels, with some not being able to experience it at all. Consequently there is a need to assess and develop the ability to receive and experience happiness for some people. Some people will need to undergo therapy to address the inability to be happy.

Questions you should ask yourself

Create & live a fulfilling life

Do I know my abilities? 

Have I fully developed  my abilities? 

Have I discovered platforms to fully utilise my abilities?

Am I fully utilising my abilities in every area of life? 

Have I identified and am I fully manifesting my soul’s purpose? 

Have I identified and am I fully manifesting my life purposes, callings and passions?

Have I identified and manifesting my inner energy?

Have I identified and achieving my personal, social and professional wellness goals?

Do I have abilities to create great, healthy and meaningful relationships?

Am I fulfilled with my professional life, social and personal life?

Have I created a balance between my soul, my physical & spirit persons?

Have I created an alignment and a healthy balance between my personal, social and professional wellness goals?

Do I have life goals?

Am I able to achieve them and how am I achieving them?

Am I manifesting my goals effectively and efficiently?

Are my Personal,  Social and Professional lives blessing me with happiness, satisfaction and comfort?

Are my goals rewarding me with comfort and wellness in all the pillars of life?

A fulfilling life is also a life that embraces wellness beyond the “feel good and healthy” of wellness

Create & live a fulfilling life

Wellness does not only refer the “feel good and healthy ”side of things. When we speak wellness, we don’t mean that we live a life without challenges. It also means that when we go through challenges:

  • we have the abilities to find creative and innovative ways to address the challenges, effectively & efficiently in our personal, social and professional lives.
  • we have the abilities to go through the challenges, remain stronger  until we exit the challenging phase.
  • we have the abilities to discern and avoid similar challenges in future.

Unfortunately, life is going to throw challenges at us. It is part of life. How we address the challenges and how we go through the challenges and what we become after the challenges is part of wellness.

How can Life with Terry help you create & live a fulfilling life?

For individuals

At Life with Terry we help our clients (young and old) to create & live a fulfilling life by providing them with life coaching and development and implementation of personal wellness strategy, social wellness strategy  and Professional Wellness Strategy.

Our mission is to work with individuals who are ready and willing to develop and heal themselves, to develop and heal societies  and build healthy and prosperous societies.

For organisations

It is impossible and futile to talk about a fulfilling life of an employee without including the employers. That is why we extend our wellness advisory services to organisations so that they can be run in a way that contributes towards the wellness and development of their employees.

We take pride in working with organisations that are intentional about their own wellness and wellness of their employees and serious about building healthy and prosperous societies.

We help and guide organisations with development and implementation of Professional Wellness Strategy.

About the founder of Life with Terry

Create & live a fulfilling life

Teresiah Ngwamogale Malatji aka Terry is a founder of Life with Terry, Life Coach, Author, Qualified Scientist and Admitted attorney of the South African High Court. She is also a consultant with focus on innovation, intellectual property law and enterprise development. One of her many passions and life purposes is to  help and guide people create & live fulfilling lives.

Click here to learn more about Teresiah Malatji.

Resources and contact details

To prepare yourself for a life journey of Self-discovery, Self-development and Self-healing, get yourself a copy of Principles & Tools of Creation.

To book us for any of the above mentioned services, send an email to bookings@lifewithterry.com.

Contact us at info@lifewithterry.com for enquiries.

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