Hello, Creators & Co-Creators,
Welcome to the Principles & Tools of Creation page!
Principles & Tools of Creation is a transformative resource designed for those ready to embark on a life-changing journey of self-discovery, self-development, and self-healing. It also serves as the foundation for all the teachings we offer at Life with Terry, including Life Coaching and Wellness Strategy.
As the author, my intention is to help you understand the language of creation and step into your power as the ultimate creator of your life.
I am embracing a season that has ignited my highest purpose and passion—using Principles & Tools of Creation to guide others toward healing, restoration, enlightenment, and awakening. This is a journey of oneness and connectedness, and I invite you to walk it with me.
✨ With love & purpose,
Daily devotions from Principles & Tools of Creation
You are a creator
You have a birthright to discover the creator from within. Take your position in the universe and remove all the indoctrinating belief systems from your mind. You have a story to tell for your ancestors, your family, yourself and your descendants. You are an essential building block created for a significant role in the universe. You are a creator and a co-creator. You are an important energy in the value chain of creation, and you have access to every energy available in the value chain of creation. Your ability to attract and manifest is not meant to be governed by the rules of human-made hierarchies.
Chapter 1 of Principles & Tools of Creation.
I am a creator
I am capable of creating new things that I desire. I can reproduce the things that are created if they serve me. I am a multiplier of things that are created. I keep on growing and developing myself and the things that I have created. I am capable of adapting and modifying the things that are created to suit any condition that I find myself in. I am capable of restoring, maintaining and evolving. There is never a dull moment or stagnancy in my life. Even better, I create effectively and efficiently now that I am fully aware of the creator that I am. I am more innovative than I was before I became aware of my true identity as a creator. Not only am I a creator, but I am also a co-creator because I embrace the true nature of creation.
Chapter 1 of Principles & Tools of Creation.
How innovative are you?
The general rule is that at any given time, every descendant has the power and ability to create a new switch and a new light bulb that are way better than those of the ancestors. We are more enlightened than the generations before us and our descendants must be more enlightened than we are. We must be enlightened not only technologically but in all areas of life, socially, personally, spiritually, career-wise and professionally.
Chapter 3 – Religion vs Innovation of Principles & Tools of Creation.
When are we innovative?
We are innovative when we are able to make changes to what has already been established. We are innovative when we introduce new ways of doing things or when we come up with new ideas or products or methods. Innovation in every area of life begins when we accept that everything is subject to all the definitions of creation as set out in Chapter 1. Everything that is created naturally or through human intervention is subject to innovation.
Chapter 3 -Religion vs Innovation of Principles & Tools of Creation.
Focus on Now
The power of now is very important because it gives us access to energy that is available to serve us at this moment. The greeting in the Zulu language puts it nicely when it says “sawubona”, which means that I see you, you exist and you matter now. When we focus on now, we are greeting the energy that exists now and is here to serve us now. Therefore, when we focus on now, we are also multiplying all the energy needed to create now. Energy can be scattered but when we are present and focused on now, we have the full attention of energy that we need to create
Page 261 of Principles & Tools of Creation.
The power of desires
One desire has the power to attract multiple desires that will work together to manifest the initial desire.
Page 246 of Principles & Tools of Creation.
What are you creating?
Our ultimate goal should be to create things that enrich us. We must create things that make our lives easier and bring value to us. We must create things that are useful and worthy of being created. We must aspire to create things that bring joy, peace, happiness, harmony, tranquillity and more desirable things to us. Our creations must improve our well-being(the state of being comfortable, happy or healthy).
Chapter 1 of Principles & Tools of Creation
The Power of Energy
Be VERY AWARE of allowing energy of desperation to manifest in your life. Desperation has the power to convert your strong & wise energy & make you a PREY.
When you are a prey you will easily attract into your life scammers, fraudsters, deceivers or dishonest people who thrive on your weakness.
May you be filled with the attributes of Peace, Patience, Hope, Calm and Wisdom to replace your energy of desperation.